ISCI – Sport Strength Coach™
certification course
This course can be useful to you if:
- if you are a trainer/coach who wants to learn how to periodize training to achieve maximum performance in the most important competitions of your sport;
- if you want to get practical insights into how to use the theory you studied in college;
- if you want to learn and use the methodology of élite training, useful in any sport;
- if you want to understand which are the most important ingredients to become an élite in the field of training.
If you want to give a practical meaning to the theory you studied, this is the course for you.
It often happens that after many years of study, you have a good knowledge, but you strive to use it in a practical way.
If you want to learn HOW to periodize, that is to plan and program training in your sport, in a correct and professional evidence-based way, this is your course!
What are you going to learn?
The ISCI course will teach you how to use everything you studied, starting from the most meaningful theory and giving it a practical meaning.
The goal is to teach you a scientific methodology to periodize, that is, to plan and program, any kind of sport, according to the sport performance model (bioenergetic systems analysis, exercise neurophysiology and exercise biomechanics).
In particular, you will learn about:
- Periodization, that is, how to plan and program training, how to set the most important training variables (intensity, volume, frequency, etc.) to get the adaptations you need based on the specific sport and the phase of the year. You will learn to periodize the most important biomotor abilities, that is, strength, speed, and endurance.
- Exercise biomechanics, that is, to find the most important exercises in your sport; why and how to do an exercise in a way instead of another;
- Exercise neurophysiology, that is, to understand which are the factors that influence sport performance; in particular, the principles of strength and training.
As Sport Strength Coach™, you are going to learn:
- The theory of periodization and how to write annual plans for your sport;
- The most important physiological adaptations to look for in strength training, and how to design the training program in order to get them;
- How to plan each phase of training based on the competitive calendar;
- How to periodize strength training in different sports;
- Which training methods you can use in each training phase of your annual training plan;
- How to analyze your sport to understand what is the specific strength that you need to train;
- How to set training variables such as intensity, volume, and frequency to get peak performance in every sport.
In summary, you will learn how to write an annual training plan, that you can use as guideline to be folllowed to program each training session!
Detailed program
- Periodization theories;
- Training planning;
- – Periodization of annual plan;
- Training programming;
– Macrocycle structure;
– Microcycle structure;
– Overload progressions; - Neuromuscular strength training adaptations;
- Periodization of Strength:
– Sport Performance Model Analysis;
– Training methods in each training phase; - Theory and methodology of tapering to achieve a performance peak;
- Practical exercises to write annual training plans.
Why should you come to this ISCI – Sport Strength Coach™ course?
Carlo A. Buzzichelli is a PhD candidate at the Superior Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of La Havana (Cuba), a professional strength and conditioning coach, the Director of the International Strength and Conditioning Institute, a consultant for the Cuban Track and Field Olympic Team, an adjunct professor of Theory and Methodology of Training at the State University of Milan (Italy), and a member of the President’s Program Advisory Council of the International Sports Science Association. Buzzichelli has held seminars and lectures at various universities and sport institutes worldwide and was an invited lecturer at the 2012 International Workshop on Strength & Conditioning of Trivandrum (India), the 2015 Performance Training Summit of Beijing (China), the 2016 International Workshop on Strength & Conditioning in Bucharest (Romania), and the 2017 Track & Field National Team Coaches Forum held in La Havana. As a strength and conditioning coach for team sports, Buzzichelli’s teams have conquered eight promotions plus a first and a second place in their respective league Cups with senior teams and two Regional cups with junior teams. As a coach of individual sports, Buzzichelli’s athletes have won 23 medals at national championships in four different sports (track & field, swimming, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and powerlifting), set nine national records in powerlifting and track & field, and won 10 medals at international competitions. In 2015, Buzzichelli coached two Italian champions in two different sports and in 2016, two of his athletes earned an international title in two different combat sports. Overall, his coaching experience includes the 2002 Commonwealth Games, the 2003 and 2017 Track & Field World Championships, and the 2016 Summer Olympics.
“The best course I have attended in 10 years”
At 31:30:
Marco Sist, MS, Strength and Conditioning Coach at Enel Brindisi Basket, Serie A (Italy)
“This course is worth a degree”
Cristian, BS in Motor Science
“The first hour of the course SSC was like to be in a Ferrari”
Erik Benedetto, BS, former Strength & Contitioning coach of the Italian National female cross-country ski team
“Super good resources and a super teacher”
Paolo, amateur coach
When and where?
The course will take place on the 16th-17th-18th of February 2018 at Movement Performance MNL (Unit 202b Mezzanine Level SM Jazz Mall, Metropolitan Ave, Makati, Metro Manila)
How much does it cost?
The full price is 22.000 PHP, but if you enroll as soon as possible, you can get special discounts (see below all the discounts).
After 1st of February 2018
22.000 PHP
- Learn to periodize, plan and program
- Learn to write an annual plan
- Learn the best training methodologies
- Learn how élite coaches train
I want to learn how to periodize, now!
Until 31th of January 2018
20.000 PHP
- Learn to periodize, plan and program
- Learn to write an annual plan
- Learn the best training methodologies
- Learn how élite coaches train
I want to learn how to periodize, now!
Until 25th of December 2017
18.000 PHP
- Learn to periodize, plan and program
- Learn to write an annual plan
- Learn the best training methodologies
- Learn how élite coaches train
I want to learn how to periodize, now!
If you enroll before 1st of December, there is a very special discount!
16.000 PHP instead of 22.000
The discounts are limited!
To get now this super discount, contact us by going to the end of the page (contact form)!
Learn now to periodize
If you want to enroll, click on the orange button below!
Metrobank Current Acct:
Movement Performance MNL INC
Click here below and write an e-mail to us with the following data:
-> name and surname
-> e-mail
-> Code of payment
I want to pay now and learn to periodize!