ISCI – Speed & Conditioning Specialist Exam 2019 (ENG)

ISCI – Speed & Conditioning Specialist Exam 2019 (ENG)


SCS-1*: 91-100% (36 months of validity)

SCS-2**: 81-90% (24 months of validity)

SCS-3***: 75-80% (12 months of validity).


1st Part

60 multiple choice and T ot F questions in maximum 40 minutes.

Once the exam has started, the time cannot be stopped.

2nd Part

3 Annual Plans (a power sport, an endurance port, and a team sport)

MP: 30 points per annual plan

TR: 5 points per annual plan

PA: 50 points per annual plan

PM1, PM2, PM3 (only for one annual plan of your choice): 25 p. each.

PM1: S&C program of a general preparation macrocycle (please indicate which one);

PM2: S&C program of a specific preparation macrocycle (please indicate which one);

PM3: S&C program of a competitive phase microcycle (please indicate which one).

Same three annual plans as for the ISCI-SSC exam, just add the tests for speed and endurance,  the periodization of speed and endurance, and the programming for speed and endurance (in one of them of your choice).

Module 1 Theory
Unit 1 ISCI - Speed & Conditioning Specialist Exam 2019 (ENG) - 1st Part  
Module 2 Practice
Unit 1 ISCI – Speed & Conditioning Specialist Exam 2019 (ENG) – 2nd Part  
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