ISCI – Sport Strength Coach Exam 2017 (ENG)


290 points for the theory + 255 points for the annual plans + 75 points for the programs.


SSC-1*: 91-100% (36 months of validity)

SSC-2**: 81-90% (24 months of validity)

SSC-3***: 75-80% (12 months of validity).


3 Annual Plans (a power sport, an endurance port, and a team sport)

MP: 30 points per annual plan

TR: 5 points per annual plan

PA: 50 points per annual plan

PM1, PM2, PM3 (only for one annual plan of your choice): 25 p. each.

PM1: Strength training program of a general preparation macrocycle (please indicate which one);

PM2: Strength training program of a specific preparation macrocycle (please indicate which one);

PM3: Strength training program of a competitive phase microcycle (please indicate which one);


1st Part

201 multiple choice questions in maximum 105 minutes.

SQUARED spaces require multiple answers.

2nd Part

27 open questions in maximum 90 minutes..

3rd Part

Attach the three annual plans.


For each part, once the exam has started, the time cannot be stopped.


Module 1 ISCI - Sport Strength Coach Exam 2018
Unit 1 ISCI - Sport Strength Coach Exam 2017 (ENG) - 1st Part  
Unit 2 ISCI - Sport Strength Coach Exam 2017 (ENG) - 2nd Part  
Unit 3 ISCI - Sport Strength Coach Exam 2017 - 3rd Part  
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