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International Strength & Conditioning Institute – UK
Tom Farrow, BSc (Hons) – Strength and Conditioning Science, UKCC Rugby and Wrestling, S&C Coach for Wasps RFC 2012 – 2015 and Wasps RFC Combat & Contact Coach since 2014. Has also delivered combat sessions with GB Rowing, England Sevens and England Women’s Rugby teams.
Tom has undertaken internships with London Welsh RFC, England Rugby and the Cuban Weightlifting, Wrestling, Judo and Athletics Olympic Centers in La Havana (Cuba) with Carlo Buzzichelli.
He is the owner of Areté Performance, a Sports Performance and Personal Training company based in London.[/vc_column_text][dt_gap height=”20″][vc_separator color=”grey”][dt_gap height=”20″][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][dt_gap height=”30″][vc_column_text]Upcoming ISCI Events in the UK:[/vc_column_text][dt_gap height=”10″][vc_column_text]Sport Strength Coach (SSC) Certification Course, April 2016.
Location: Lee Valley Athletics Centre, London, UK.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”grey”][dt_gap height=”15″][vc_column_text]Contacts
E-‐Mail: tom@isci.education.
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